Tuesday, May 22, 2012

We're still here!

This blogging thing doesn't come naturally.  
I forget that I have this space, I mostly use this page as a bookmark for reading all of the blogs I follow.
They are WAY more interesting than I am.

But I do want to write our story too.  We can be interesting sometimes.

Like, how Olivia passed her hardest 3rd grade multiplication test EVER today.  We all felt so accomplished, it was a family effort and she was so very proud of herself.

And how I told Brennen today that I was proud of how he thought about Jesus a lot in our daily lives and he told me, How can I not?  Every time I look at fire and lava, I think of how Jesus had pain for us.  And every time I look at rocks and stones, I think of how Jesus came out of the grave when His stone rolled away. I just think about Him, Mama.


Don't be fooled. We also have lots of drama (a.k.a. earring changes, loose teeth, long division, "accidental" punches).

So, I guess we can be interesting if we need to be.  

1 comment:

HR Gutierrez said...

yeah!! I have been looking for a post from you! Yeah for Liv, I'm so glad she passed!!!! And wow! is right....that is so cool that Brennen is reminded about Jesus in everyday things he sees. Way to go! You are teaching them well!!!